Certified Pool

Pool Safety Certification

Pool Inspections

Pool Inspections in NSW – What you need to know.

New safety regulations for swimming pool safety barriers in NSW came into effect 29th April 2016. The main impact of these changes was in regard to the sale or leasing of property. From April 2016 every Contract for Sale, or Lease Agreement for residential property in NSW has to include a swimming pool compliance certificate

A pool safety certificate is issued following a pool inspection by a certified pool safety inspector who has determined that the pool barrier is compliant with the standards which apply to that particular pool.

Various standards apply with some exemptions for pools built prior to 2008, pools built on small properties (less than 230m2), pools built on large properties (more than 2 hectares) and pools built on waterfront properties. As well as portable & inflatable pools, indoor pools & spas.

Knowing and being able to evidence the date of swimming pool/spa barrier construction will assist in the speedy swimming pool compliance and the issue of a swimming pool compliance certificate. Given that many pool barriers are likely to require some repair / rectification prior to pool compliance, it is recommended that a pool inspection take place well in advance of any sale or lease. This will allow the property owner to access the necessary trades and to effect the repairs without the stress of doing this at the same time as the transaction.

Pool Inspections

Pool Barrier Inspections by a qualified Pool Certifier.

A pool safety certificate is issued for a period of three years. Multi dwelling properties, strata plans, motels, boarding houses, caravan parks etc. must always hold a current pool compliance certificate on file.

Email us or call 02 9953 6700 or 9368 0986.

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